Freedom is the story of Cheyenne, a woman who loves too deeply, gives too freely, and laughs too heartily; she is the woman whom all women secretly envy.
Cheyenne wears the pants in the relationship, (in her case, they are designer jeans) but never surrenders her femininity. As a wealthy divorcee, Cheyenne relocates to a geographically undesirable area, and manages to find a new love who is the polar opposite of her first husband, he is appropriately named Rowdy. It's a wonderful tale of an outsider's struggle to find her place in a worn community, and in the whirlwind of her journey, creates something beautiful in order to leave her mark on the world. Freedom's best feature is the dialogue between Cheyenne and Rowdy. It's as if you are hanging out with a bunch of old friends. It flows evenly, and the appropriate curse words are interjected at just the right moment.
Anita paints a vivid, albeit somewhat bleak, landscape of the Oklahoma countryside, and we see it through her eyes, as if we were standing there overlooking the fields.
Cheyenne and Rowdy's love/hate relationship seems to coincide with Cheyenne's description of her natural surroundings. One minute she is standing in a golden field of wheat, feeling the sun on her face, and all is peaceful. By the end of the story and near the end of their long term relationship, she encounters her fiercest foe, Mother Nature, who throws everything at her, including a tornado.
If this book were made into a movie, it would be very successful. P.S. The book Freedom is being made into a movie spring 2024.
